Sim ple network management protocol (snmp) 44 – Airlink Raven GPRS User Manual
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Cingular GPRS Raven User Guide Version 2.01
Port 38
Wireless ACE: Destination Port 38
Wireless ACE: Device Port 38
Wireless ACE: MD Configuration 38
IDs to IPs 39
Wireless ACE: Modem Name and Domain 40
Configuring the Remote Ravens for Modbus with UDP 40
Port 40
Default Power-up Mode 41
Wireless ACE: UDP Power-up Mode 41
Wireless ACE: Destination IP 41
Dynamic IPs 41
RTU settings 42
Raven mounted in an enclosure with an RTU 42
RTU to Raven setup 43
Power Connections 43
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 44