Flex-a-Lite 18024 24 Volt, Universal Fit User Manual
Flex-a-Lite For the car

24 Volt, Universal Fit; Pt. #18024
Make sure the engine is cool.
2. Disconnect negative (-) battery cable from battery of system.
3. Remove existing fan and shroud if needed.
Remove the original fan... and shroud
4. Check fit of new fan assembly. Hold, or have a friend hold the fan in place while checking for possible obstruc-
tions that may interfere with the blades or shroud. It may be necessary to move or tie back small hoses or wires.
If the fan does not fit at this point, additional modifications or a different Flex-a-lite fan may be required.
When you have a clear path... test fit and check for obstructions.
4. Mount the fan assembly to the radiator. Look for at least four potential mounting points that are able to support
the weight of the fan. Cross braces, radiator trays, front facia, and radiator mounting points are all possible
mounting points. Use the universal brackets and hardware kit supplied to hold the fan against the radiator
core. On some applications, the brackets may need to be cut or modified to fit. Additional holes may need to
be drilled as well.
5. Put the fan into place. Before tightening the brackets, adjust the fan so that the rubber seal is contacting the
radiator core and compress the seal about 50%. It may help to have an assistant hold the fan against the core
while tightening brackets.
Puller Configuration: (as shipped from the manufacture) Connect the Blue wire from the fan motor to the yellow
VSC wire. Connect the Black motor wire to the purple VSC wire.
Pusher Configuration: (reverse airflow) Start by removing the fan blade retaining clip located on front hub at
the motor shaft. Then remove the fan blade and pentagon washers, flip blade and washers over. Reinstall the
pentagon washers and fan blade. Make sure the flat on the motor shaft is aligned with the flat on the blade and
washers. When re-installing the retaining clip, be sure the open end of the clip is on the flat side of the motor shaft.
Note; Be sure pentagon washers are seated properly into fan blade.
Connect the Black wire from the fan motor to the yellow VSC wire. Connect the Blue motor wire to the purple
VSC wire.
Rev. 07-20-11 Part #98024 Page 1 of 2