Flex-a-Lite 330 Dual Electric Fan with Thermostatic Control and A/C Relay User Manual

Installation instructions, Setting pull or push configuration

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Dual Electric Fan with
Thermostatic Control
and A/C Relay

Part #330

Setting Pull or Push Configuration:

At the factory, the model 330 is assembled to pull air. To push air, remove the
clips that hold the fan blades onto the motor shaft and turn the fan blade over.
Reinstall the clips to the motor shafts. Important: See wiring diagram (next
page), correct wiring must correspond with push or pull configuration.

Installation Instructions

Through Core Mounting Instructions
(see “Diagram A”)

Diagram A

Step 1: Position the electric fan against the
radiator, and mark the holes for mounting. (Some
applications may have A/C condensers and/or
transmission coolers on the front of the radiator.
Additional adjustments or modifications may be
necessary for installation).

Step 2: Rotate fan blades to make sure they are
free of obstructions.

Step 3: With a small Phillips screwdriver, pass
through the marked holes, carefully spreading the
fins to allow easy passage for the nylon bolts. Pass
the bolts through the shroud holes then twist the
bolts through the radiator.

Step 4: Slide the washer onto the nylon bolt and
push on the push nuts until snug.

Step 5: Trim off any excess length on the nylon
bolts with a pair of side cutters, leaving about


beyond the push nut.

Rev. 03-09-12 #98330

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