BMR Suspension KM020 User Manual
BMR Suspension For the car

2011-Present Ford Mustang, GT500
Please take a moment to verify contents of this package before proceeding with the installation. It is the sole responsibility
of the Purchaser to inventory these contents before vehicle disassembly. BMR Suspension will not be held responsible for
additional labor time, service lift charges, etc. that may occur due to missing items.
1. Lift vehicle and safely secure using stands under the frame rails. Remove both front wheels/tires.
2. Using an 18mm deep socket, loosen the outer tie rod end nuts and knock them loose from the
spindles with a brass hammer. (IMAGE 1)
3. Loosen and remove the A-arms’ ball joint cross-bolts using a 15mm wrench and an 18mm socket.
Knock or pry the ball joint loose from the spindle. (IMAGE 2)
4. Remove the front steering shaft bolt using a 13mm socket or wrench. (IMAGE 3)
5. Unplug the wires from the front of the rack and pinion as shown in IMAGE 4.
6. Using a 15mm socket with an extra long extension, remove
both motor mount nuts from the top.
7. Support the motor and transmission in preparation for
removal of the K-member and A-arms. It is recommended
to place a stand under the transmission bellhousing as shown
in IMAGE 5 to the right.
8. Using an 18mm socket, remove all 8 K-member bolts and
lower the K-member/A-arm/Rack assembly.