Container view, Data collection – HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual
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Solution: HP recommends turning off the Windows Vista User Account Control.
How do I push an SSH key through Configure or Repair Agents on Windows 2008?
Solution: HP recommends disabling User Account Control on Windows 2008 systems.
Configure or Repair Agents is not supported on Windows Vista.
I received a connection failed error in Configure or Repair Agents on Windows XP.
Solution: You might have Windows XP SP2 or later installed. Windows XP SP2 disables admin share. You
must enable admin share by using the command net share admin$.
Container View
When the SNMP protocol is disabled and the WBEM protocol is enabled, the HP Integrated Lights-Out (iLO)
firmware version is displayed as Not Available in tool tip of the Picture View.
Solution: To view the iLO firmware version, enable the SNMP protocol. To do so, select Options
→Global Protocol Settings.
If the number of servers an the enclosure exceeds the number of available slots, then not all the servers will
be shown in Systems Insight Manager.
Solution: This can happen when the enclosure contains at least one double dense blade (BL2x220c or
ProLiant xw2x220c Blade Workstation) and all the slots in the enclosure are populated with the servers. A
double dense blade contains 2 servers per blade: an A and a B server. Some of the cases where the number
of servers exceeds the available slots in the enclosure are:
C7000 containing 15 BL servers (single sided) and 1 Double dense server = 17 servers
C7000 containing 10 Double dense servers = 20 servers
Therefore with number of servers exceeding the number of available slots, the B side of each blade beyond
the 8th double dense blade or beyond the 16th blade will be missing from Systems Insight Manager. The
servers can still be discovered, but they will not be associated with the enclosure or will not be shown in
enclosure container view
If an HP ProLiant BL30p server blade is physically removed from its enclosure and another server blade is
inserted in its place, the rack or enclosure container view might be displayed incorrectly.
Solution: Manually delete the BL30p server from Systems Insight Manager.
The container view of a rack that is empty and no longer contains any enclosures might display as a gray
box with no information. You can safely delete the rack system in this case.
The table view of a rack appears empty but the container view has a rack diagram.
Solution: This error can happen if you unplug the power supply and then plug it back in. Therefore, you
must re-run discovery.
HP ProLiant BL e-Class blade servers or the HP bc1000 blade PC container view is empty but the table view
displays all blades correctly.
Solution: This happens when the Integrated Administrator is discovered before blades are discovered.
Therefore, run identification on the Integrated Administrator management processor.
Select Options
→Discovery→Identify Systems.
Select the ProLiant BL e-Class Integrated Administrator.
Click Run Now.
Data Collection
After a Systems Insight Manager upgrade, the Data Collection task might fail when executed.
Solution: Following upgrade procedures, you must run either the Identification Task or System Discovery Task
against the systems for them to be reconciled following the completed upgrade procedure. The Daily
Identification task is available by default and can be ran be any time by selecting Run Now. In a future
Container View