Using hp insight diagnostics commands in linux, Using hp insight diagnostics commands in windows – HP Insight Diagnostics Software User Manual

Page 12

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Table 1 Optional command line parameters (continued)



This option is ignored if -o is specified.

HP Survey Utility output will be plain text. The default is XML format.


Run a new HP Survey Utility snapshot and output to a file. The default is formed using
the current date in this format: surveyCCYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss.xml (CC=century,
YY=year, MM=month, DD=day, HH=hour, mm=minute, and ss=second).



and -o cannot be used together.

Overwrite the output file if it already exists.


If the -o parameter is not specified this option is ignored.

Append the output to an existing output file.


If no -o option is specified, this option is ignored. To avoid XML parsing errors, use
this option with the plain text (-p).

Run a diagnosis of all diagnosable devices. The test results are posted to the Diagnosis
Log (diagnosislog.xml).


Display help.

-? , -h

Using HP Insight Diagnostics commands in Linux

To use the command line switches in Linux:

Open a terminal window if necessary.


Change to the /opt/hp/hpdiags directory.


Enter the command with the preferred switch.

See the following examples:

To capture Survey configuration information for your system, and then send the XML file to a
terminal, enter either of the following commands:

# ./hpdiags -t

Or from any directory, run /opt/hp/hpdiags/hpdiags -t

For example, if, every Monday at 5:00 AM, you want Insight Diagnostics to compare the
original HP Survey Utility configuration file to the current HP Survey Utility configuration, and
then save the result to a remote file in plain-text format, enter the following command:

# ./hpdiags -s "0005**01" -c surveybase.xml -p -o


To verify the System Management Homepage status on a Linux server, enter the following

# /etc/init.d/hpsmhd status

Using HP Insight Diagnostics commands in Windows

To use the command line switches in Windows:

Open a console window if necessary.


Change to the C:\hp\hpdiags directory.


Enter the command with the preferred switch.


Getting started