Sample xp disk array job using windows batch file – HP P6000 Continuous Access Software User Manual
Page 20
// Assign some variables that will be used in this job.
$source_host1 = SetVariable ( " Production Server IP " )
$mount_host = SetVariable ( " Backup Server IP " )
$source_hostvol_unc1 = SetVariable ("\\ProductionServerHostName\W:\")
// Validate that resources are as expected.
ValidateHost ( $source_host1 )
ValidateHost ( $mount_host )
ValidateHostVolume ( $source_hostvol_unc 1 )
ValidateHostVolumeMirrorclones ( $source_hostvol_unc 1 )
WaitHostVolumeNormalization ( $source_hostvol_unc 1 )
// Begin flushing the cache on the host volume(s).
SetHostVolumeWriteCacheMode ( $source_hostvol_unc1, WRITE_CACHE_DISABLED, NOWAIT )
one rror pauseat E1:
// Wait for the cache flush to complete.
WaitForHostVolumeWriteCacheFlush ( $source_hostvol_unc 1 ) onerror pauseat E2:
// Suspend the host application.
Launch ( $source_host1, " c:\pre.bat ", "", WAIT, "" ) onerror pauseat E2:
/ /
DO {
// Perform the replication.
$Rep1 = FractureHostVolumeMirrorclones ( $source_hostvol_unc1, WAIT ) onerror pauseat E3:
// Resume the host application.
Launch ( $source_host1, " c:\post.bat ", "", WAIT, "" )
// Restore the writeback cache on the host volume(s).
SetHostVolumeWriteCacheMode ( $source_hostvol_unc1, WRITE_CACHE_ENABLED, NOWAIT )
onerror continue
// Mount the replicated volume(s) on a host.
PresentStorageVolumes ( $Rep1, $ mount_host ) onerror pauseat E4:
DiscoverDiskDevices ( $mount_host, $Rep1 ) onerror continue
$HV1 = CreateHostVolumeFromDiskDevices ( $source_hostvol_unc1, $Rep1, $mount_host ) onerror
pauseat E4:
$MP1 = MountHostVolume ( $HV1, "L" ) onerror pauseat E5:
// Add the replica(s) to the repository.
$ Repository 1 = CreateRepl icaRepository ( HOST_VOLUME, $source_hostvol_u nc 1,
AddReplicasToReplicaRepository ( $Repository1, $Rep1 )
// Wait for user to initiate rollback.
Pause ( )
// Rollback.
DeleteReplicaRepository ( $Repository1, FALSE )
E6: UnmountHostVolume ( $MP1 ) onerror pauseat E6:
E5: DeleteHostVolume ( $HV1 ) onerror pauseat E5:
E4: ResyncMirrorclones ( $Rep1 ) onerror pauseat E4:
E3: Exit ( SUCCESS )
E2: SetHostVolumeWriteCacheMode ( $source_hostvol_unc1, WRITE_CACHE_ENABLED, NOWAIT )
onerror continue
Exit ( SUCCESS )
// Failure exit - no rollback needed.
E1: Exit ( FAILURE )
Sample XP disk array job using Windows batch file
The following example is a Windows batch file to stop database I/O, mirror a volume group, split
the group, and resume database I/O for an XP Disk Array.
@echo off
Creating snapshot backups using HP DButil