HP Tower Uninterruptible Power System User Manual

Page 60

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Configuration and operation 60


In the OS shutdown time (sec) field, enter the shutdown delay needed to properly shut down the server.

The UPS Network Module compares this time for all configured HPPP Clients and uses the longest time
for OS shutdown time in the UPS Network Module Shutdown Parameters screen.


Select one of the following options from the Shutdown type pull-down menu:


Hibernate—This option ensures that if the system is shut down, all work in progress and system
information is automatically saved to the disk. The computer itself is de-energized. When utility

power returns, all applications reopen exactly as they were, and the user placed back into their

work environment.
The hibernate function, if available with your operating system, must be activated in the operating
system. Select Start > Control Panel > Power Options and verify that the Hibernate option is
activated on the Hibernate tab. If you select the Hibernate option and your computer does not

support this function, HP Power Protector will perform a normal (default) shutdown.


Shutdown—This option shuts down your applications and the system, but it does not de-energize the
computer. The system offers the user the choice to de-energize the computer, in which case the UPS

cuts power. On most computers, this configuration is necessary if you want the server to restart as

soon as utility power is restored.


Shutoff—This option shuts down your applications and the system, and de-energizes the computer.
This configuration is recommended if you want to be available when the system restarts (or for load



Script—This option manages the shutdown using a custom script that you can create to customize
your own shutdown sequence. You can integrate the standard Windows shutdown command. For
more information, run the shutdown /? command in a Windows Command Line interpreter. An

example script is located in the following folder:


In the Shutdown script field, enter the absolute path of the script.


Select the Load segment shutoff enabled checkbox to. This checkbox is available for HPPP
Administrators, as well as HPPP Clients that are connected to an HPPP Administrator.


Click Save.

To configure advanced shutdown criteria:


Click Edit advanced shutdown criteria. The Edit advanced shutdown criteria screen appears.

The HPPP software automatically uses the shutdown configuration parameters to gracefully shutdown
the device for the following events:


Remaining battery capacity below limit


Remaining battery runtime below limit