HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
Page 43

Auto LUN XP user guide for the XP12000/XP10000
Failed making an auto migration plan:
yyyy/mm/dd hh:min : MakePlan is terminated by error: XXXXXXXXXX
(a) End time
(b) Reason for failure:
Cannot make proper migration plan: The program could not make a proper migration plan.
Check the number of the reserved volumes and their locations. Check the maximum disk
usage and change if necessary.
Failed to get XXXXXXXXXX (information or data: The program failed to get the
information or data to make a plan. In the case of information, make the initial value
again by selecting [Initialize]. In the case of data, check the status of gathered
data and get them again.
Failed to write to XXXXXXXXXX (information or data): The program failed to write the
information to make a plan.
Invalid XXXXXXXXXX (information or data): The required information/data could not be
used because the information was invalid. In the case of information, make the initial
value again by selecting [Initialize]. In the case of data, check the status of
gathered data and get them again.
Memory allocation error: The program failed to allocate the memory to make the plan.
"C:\dkc200\others\Auto LUNatm.ini does not exist.": Auto LUN failed to make plans
because the Auto LUN atm.ini file did not exist. Click the [Initialize] button before
making plans again.
Log entry that the auto migration plan could not be made:
Cannot make plan: Class X Grp X-X
(a) Class
(b) Parity group
Some monitor data samples were invalidated:
Grp X-X: X samples are invalidated because of migration.
New volumes have been installed:
New entries are added for following LDEVs: CU:LDEV, CU:LDEV, ...
Invalid data:
Too many invalid data: invalidated all data
Volume utilization check failed:
Utilization check failed
Check volume usage failed because the necessary data could not be obtained. Please get
the data again.
Volume reserve attribute check failed:
Reserve volume check failed
Check volume reserve attribute failed because the necessary data could not be obtained.
Please get the data again.