5 discovering volumes, Discovering volumes (open systems), Discovering volumes (mainframe) – HP XP Racks User Manual

Page 71: About mainframe volume discovery, 71 discovering volumes (mainframe), Chapter 5, About mainframe, Volume discovery

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5 Discovering volumes

Before you can use Replication Manager to define or manage copy pairs, it is necessary to discover
volumes. As a result of this discovery process, Replication Manager identifies a list of volumes that
can be used for pair definition.

This chapter describes how to discover volumes.

Discovering volumes (open systems)

Open systems volumes are discovered by refreshing configuration information after registering an
information source. Configuration information is stored in the Device Manager database. Refreshing
configuration information updates the Replication Manager database with the latest configuration
information in the Device Manager database.

For details on how to refresh configuration information manually for each information source, see

Refreshing configuration information manually for each information source

” on page 269.

Discovering volumes (mainframe)

Mainframe volumes are discovered by performing a series of volume scans. Volume scans are
performed after information (such as (DADID(s) and prefix(es) specified in BCM Agent initialization
parameters) is loaded by Replication Manager. This information is available upon registration of an
instance of HP StorageWorks P9000 for Business Continuity Manager Software as an information
source. After discovering mainframe volumes you can review information about discovered volumes.

This module describes how to discover mainframe volumes:

About mainframe volume discovery

, page 71

Volume scan

, page 72

Distributing and managing disk configurations

, page 76

Reviewing mainframe volumes

, page 80

About mainframe volume discovery

Mainframe volume discovery is the process by which Replication Manager identifies a list of volumes
that can be used for pair definition. The discovery consists of three phases:


Replication Manager loads the following information when an instance of HP StorageWorks
P9000 for Business Continuity Manager Software is registered:

• DADIDs (Gen’ed/Non Gen’ed/Remote) and prefixes specified in the initialization parameters

of BCM Agent

• Allocated data sets for disk configuration definition files and copy group definition files
• Volume list described in the disk configuration definition file
• Pair configurations (including copy groups and containers) described in the copy group

definition file

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