Selecting multiple candidate volumes, About volume capacity checking, Defining copy groups – HP XP Racks User Manual

Page 157: About copy groups, 157 about volume capacity checking, Selecting multiple candidate, Volumes, About volume, Capacity checking

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Selecting multiple candidate volumes

Replication Manager identifies a list of candidate secondary volumes using the filtering criteria specified
on the Criteria tab under the Candidate List pane. These candidate volumes are grouped and displayed
as nodes in a tree structure on the Results tab. By selecting the parent node of a group, you can
select up to 100 candidate volumes in a single operation.

Related topics

About filtering candidate volumes

, page 156

Creating pairs and pair groups

, page 154

About volume capacity checking

A volume capacity check is conducted when the Pair Configuration Wizard is used to create or edit
mainframe copy pairs. This is done to help the administrator avoid difficulties with Reverse-Resync
operations involving primary and secondary volumes of mismatched sizes. (Although it is possible to
create such copy pairs, an I/O error occurs if you execute a Reverse-Resync operation under this
condition. Because there is no recovery method available to make a Reverse-Resync operation
executable, storage volumes must be recreated from scratch.)

Volume capacity is expressed in the number of cylinders. This information is acquired from HP
StorageWorks P9000 for Business Continuity Manager Software when the volume is scanned and
when the configuration is refreshed.

If the Pair Configuration Wizard detects a discrepancy between the capacity of the selected primary
and secondary volumes, a warning message is displayed prompting the administrator to check the
configuration. (A similar message is displayed if no information about the volume capacity can be


The number of cylinders cannot be obtained when using HP StorageWorks P9000 for Business
Continuity Manager Software versions prior to 6.7.0.

Defining copy groups

This module discusses information about copy groups and tasks for defining copy groups:

About copy groups

, page 157

About assigning CTGID/JNLGID for copy pairs

, page 158

Configuring open and mainframe consistency groups

, page 159

About HORCM instances

, page 159

Creating copy groups

, page 160

Associating pair groups with copy groups

, page 161

About copy groups

A copy group consists of a number of copy pairs that have been grouped for management purposes.
By grouping the copy pairs of volumes that are used for the same operations and purposes, you can
perform batch operations on all the copy pairs in that copy group. For example, by performing an

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