HP StorageWorks Data Replication Manager Software User Manual
Page 72

The following list includes all the fields you can display:
Date—The date of the Slot Mapping Record
Slot Mapping Name
Replication Status—Shows specific values, such as Synchronizing, Pending Synchronized,
and Synchronized
Out of Sync Warning Threshold—The value of the Warning Threshold that is set on the
Number of Mapped Slots Out of Sync
Number of Mapped Slots Out of Sync Warning—The number of mapped slots that are
Out of Sync of Warning Threshold
Out of Sync Critical Threshold—The Critical Threshold value set on the device
Target Appliance IP
Target Appliance Name
Target Appliance Product Class
Target Appliance Serial Number
Number of Replicating Slots—The number of replicating slots in the Slot Mapping
Local Library Role
Local Library Name
Target Library Name
Number of Mapped Slots Out of Sync Critical—The number of mapped slots that are Out
of Sync of Critical Threshold
You can customize the list of fields that are displayed.
By default, report data is displayed in pages. You can browse report data by clicking the page
numbers or First, Last, Previous and Next. You can see all reports at once by clicking View All.
Separate rows are visible for slot map replication for the source and for the target. In most cases
for two individual entries, one for replication from the source and another from the target, the
Change count and Local library columns are the only differences.
Accessing and viewing reports