Sending pictures to other imaging programs – HP CD-Writer Plus Internal 8110i Drive User Manual

Page 170

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Change Focus - To accentuate edges and contrasts in a picture, increase the focus
by sliding the bar toward Sharpen. To smooth edges and minimize contrasts, slide
the bar toward Blur. View the effects on the preview screen.

Add Mosaic - The mosaic effect groups pixels using tiles. Specify the tile size by
sliding the bar toward Smaller or Larger. View the effects on the preview screen.

Add Embossing - Raises the background of a picture by suppressing color and
outlining the edges in black. Specify the degree of embossing by sliding the Depth
bar toward In or Out. View the effects on the preview screen. To specify the
directional gradient of the embossed edges, use the mouse to spin the needle on the
Direction meter.

Correcting Color and Exposure - When you click the Auto Correct Color button,
the color correction is applied automatically, using pre-defined settings. To fine-tune
the colors afterwards, you can increase or decrease the level of each color. Change
the red, green, or blue values by sliding the pointer beside one of the colors to the
right or to the left. The results are displayed in the sample picture shown on the right
side of the dialog.

To automatically correct the exposure, click the Auto Correct Exposure button.
The results are displayed in the sample picture shown on the right side of the dialog.
To cancel the color and/or exposure corrections and restore the original settings,
click the Reset button.

To scale a picture to fill the white drawing space, click the Scale Picture button.
Note that this does not apply to the Save As or Resize command.

Sending Pictures to Other Imaging Programs

Pictures from Photo Organizer can be opened in other image editing programs. The
first time you click the Send tab, only the Setup icon is displayed. Click the Setup
icon to have the program automatically search your hard drive for imaging
programs. Afterwards, the icons for these programs will be displayed on the Send

Use any of the following methods to send pictures to another program:


Drag the picture to a program icon on the Send tab.


Select one or more pictures and then click the program icon on the Send tab.


Select one or more pictures and then right-click a picture and choose Send To
on the Image menu.