HP StoreAll Storage User Manual
Page 43

ref_counter .................... 1038
state_flags .................... SEGMENT_LOCAL SEGMENT_PREFERED SEGMENT_DHB
write_WM ....................... 99129 4K-blocks (387 Mbytes)
create_WM ...................... 793033 4K-blocks (3097 Mbytes)
spillover_WM ................... 892162 4K-blocks (3485 Mbytes)
generation ..................... 26
quota .......................... usr,grp,dir
f_blocks ....................... 0011895510 4K-blocks (==0047582040 1K-blocks, 46466 M)
f_bfree ........................ 0011785098 4K-blocks (==0047140392 1K-blocks, 46035 M)
f_bused ........................ 0000110412 4K-blocks (==0000441648 1K-blocks, 431 M)
f_bavail ....................... 0011753237 4K-blocks (==0047012948 1K-blocks, 45911 M)
f_files ........................ 6553600
f_ffree ........................ 6552536
used files (f_files - f_ffree).. 1064
Segment statistics for 690812.89 seconds :
n_reads=0, kb_read=0, n_writes=0, kb_written=0, n_creates=2, n_removes=0
Also run the following command:
/usr/local/ibrix/bin/rtool enumfs
For example:
rtool enumfs ibfs1
fsname ......................... ibfs1
fsid ........................... 7b3ea891-5518-4a5e-9b08-daf9f9f4c027
fsnum .......................... 1
fs_flags........................ operational
total_number_of_segments ....... 4
mounted ........................ TRUE
ref_counter .................... 6
generation ..................... 26 <–– FS generation number for comparison
alloc_policy.................... RANDOM
dir_alloc_policy................ NONE
cur_segment..................... 0
sup_ap_on....................... NONE
local_segments ................. 3
quota .......................... usr,grp,dir
f_blocks ....................... 0047582040 4K-blocks (==0190328160 1K-blocks)
f_bfree ........................ 0044000311 4K-blocks (==0176001244 1K-blocks)
f_bused ........................ 0003581729 4K-blocks (==0014326916 1K-blocks)
f_bavail ....................... 0043872867 4K-blocks (==0175491468 1K-blocks)
f_files ........................ 26214400
f_ffree ........................ 26212193
used files (f_files - f_free)... 2207
FS statistics for 0.0 seconds :
n_reads=0, kb_read=0, n_writes=0, kb_written=0, n_creates=0, n_removes=0
Use the output to determine whether the FS generation number is in sync and whether the file
serving nodes agree on the ownership of the rejected segments. In the rtool enumseg output,
check the state_flags field for SEGMENT_IN_MIGRATION, which indicates that the segment
is stuck in migration because of a failover.
Typically, if the segment has a healthy state flag on the file serving node that owns the segment
and all file serving nodes agree on the owner of the segment, this is not a file system or file serving
node issue. If a state flag is stale or indicates that a segment is in migration, call HP Support for
a recovery procedure.
Otherwise, the alert indicates a file system generation mismatch. Take the following steps to resolve
this situation:
From the active management console, run the following command to propagate a new file
system segment map throughout the cluster. This step takes a few minutes.
ibrix_dbck -I -f
If problems persist, try restarting the client's IAD:
/usr/local/ibrix/init/ibrix_iad restart
Troubleshooting file systems