HP Netserver E Server series User Manual
Page 34

Chapter 3
Installing the HP Support Anywhere Software
Repeat these configuration steps if you wish to split support of your non-
web servers with more than one web server.
7. Print out the Windows NT server list.
At the end of Client Setup (Part 1), a text file lists your managed NT
servers and your client's hostname and IP address. Be sure to print this
file. You'll need the information to install the SNMP software agents on
your HP NetServers running Windows NT. The figure below shows a
typical printout.
After Setup has finished installing your Support Anywhere client software,
Support Anywhere's Auto Alert service is automatically activated. In Windows
95 you will see the Auto Alert icon in the Windows 95 task bar. In Windows NT
3.51 or Windows for Workgroups, the HP Support Anywhere program group
appears containing the Support Anywhere program icon, the Auto Alert program
icon, a help icon, and a README file.
Notice that the icon representing the web browser you identified during client
setup is incorporated in the HP Support Anywhere group. In this example,
Support Anywhere is set up to use NetScape for Internet or intranet access. (If
you chose not to configure your servers for web management, no Support
Anywhere web icon will be included in the Support Anywhere group.)
Double-clicking the Support Anywhere icon launches your chosen web browser
and provides you with a list of NetServers configured for use by Support