HP UPS Management Modules User Manual

Page 39

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Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 39


If you are configuring redundant management modules, do not enter an

asterisk to allow any server to connect to the management module.

If you do not want to configure a second connection, enter None.

Installing the agent locally or remotely using the SAM method


From a remote machine, enter sam at the command line prompt.


Click Software Management.


Click Install Software to Local Host.


Change the Source Depot Path to a fully qualified path and depot name.


Select the agent you are about to install.


Select Actions>Install from the top menu, and then click OK and Done.


Click OK to analyze the depot file.


Click OK to install the depot file.


Click Done to complete the installation and continue with the configuration process.


Enter /sbin/init.d/DevMan setup in the terminal, and press the Enter key.
The installer launches a separate configuration program.
The script installs the agent and requests information to configure the application. Default values or
valid options are shown in brackets following each prompt.
The script displays: Please enter a server to allow connections from.


Enter the IP address of the management module or the path to the serial device. This configuration
ensures that only that particular management module executes commands and operating system
shutdowns on the computer running the agent.
The script displays: Please enter a second server to allow connections from.


Enter the IP address of a second management module or the path to the second serial device for
redundant communication.


If you are configuring redundant management modules, do not enter an

asterisk to allow any server to connect to the management module.

If you do not want to configure a second connection, enter None.

Installing the agent using the silent installation method

Silent installation is typically used by system administrators who have many installations that are
configured identically and require minimal user interaction. During a silent installation you will:

Install an agent through the assisted installation method that is appropriate for the operating system.

Configure the agent exactly as the final replicated systems should be configured.


You must configure the IP address of the management module. Create a

DevManRA.ini file for each site. This points each agent to the correct management module
and is the more secure option.

Use the DevManRA.ini file that is generated in the directory of the application as a template in the
agent silent install process.