HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 125

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Table 16 Utilization meters available on Integrity Virtual Server Manager tabs (continued)

Utilization Metrics

Integrity Virtual
Server Manager

Storage I/O

Network I/O

Memory (%)

CPU (%)

VSP (Physical Storage
VM or vPar (Virtual
Storage column)

VM or vPar

VSP (Physical Network
Interfaces column)
VM or vPar (Virtual
Network Interfaces



Data reported by certain Integrity Virtual Server Manager CPU utilization meters

might vary from the data collected by Capacity Advisor as displayed in the Profile Viewer
and historical utilization reports. The data from Integrity Virtual Server Manager meters is
reliable for most purposes. For capacity planning, refer to the data collected by the Capacity
Advisor Profile Viewer and historical utilization reports. For more information about how
Capacity Advisor data might vary from Integrity Virtual Server Manager data, see “Data
Handling” in Chapter 3 of the HP Capacity Advisor 7.3 User Guide.

Another source of discrepancy is the difference in the way Capacity Advisor and Integrity
Virtual Server Manager present CPU data. Capacity Advisor Profile Viewer and historical
utilization reports present CPU data in absolute terms (specifying the number of physical cores
used) while Integrity Virtual Server Manager presents CPU data in terms of percentages
(specifying the percentage of available CPU resources being used). For example, the Integrity
Virtual Server Manager “VSP CPU Utilization” meter displayed on the VSP Virtual Servers and
VM or vPar Properties General tabs displays the percentage of the total VSP physical CPU
capacity used by the VM or vPar in question. Capacity Advisor tabulates similar data but
presents it in different terms. For example, on a VSP that has 16 physical cores, if a VM has
4 CPUs each currently using 50% of a physical core, CapAd would report that the VM is
consuming 2 VSP cores. The Integrity Virtual Server Manager “VSP CPU utilization” meter
would report that the VM is consuming 12.5% of the VSP's CPU capacity.

Using Integrity Virtual Server Manager with HP Matrix Operating Environment:

You can click a utilization meter to view a more detailed historical data report provided
by HP Capacity Advisor.

You can use the Integrity Virtual Server Manager View

→Capacity Advisor Data... menu

item to view a snapshot of recent utilization data collected by HP Capacity Advisor. First,
you must enable collection of data by using the Tools

→Collect Capacity Advisor Data

menu item, as described in

“Enabling collection of utilization data” (page 123)

. (If you

use the Integrity Virtual Server Manager View

→Capacity Advisor Data... menu item without

having enabled data collection, no data is displayed; however, the screen includes a
link to the Collect Capacity Advisor Data facility so that you can begin collecting data
to view.)

Figure 90 (page 126)

shows the upper half of the screen showing data collected for a

VSP, while

Figure 91 (page 127)

shows the lower half of the screen.

Viewing utilization data