Moving the data store of an esx vm logical server – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 111
Unmanaging a logical server using a storage pool entry may result in an
inconsistent state
When you unmanage a Virtual Connect logical server that was previously activated, the
underlying VC profile, if it exists, is not deleted and the profile continues to use its WWN and
MAC addresses. If a storage pool entry was associated with the unmanaged logical server, the
WWNs that are still being used by the profile are replaced by newly allocated WWNs, so that
the maximum number of logical servers sharing the storage entry is not changed. The SAN
Administrator must present the LUNs to these new WWNs before they can be used. (Mark the
new WWNs as “Not Ready” on the Storage Entry screen to be sure they are not used prematurely.)
Suggested action
Delete the logical server to delete the underlying Virtual Connect profile and
allow the WWNs and MAC addresses to be available for reuse. HP recommends that you do not
use Unmanage Logical Server to unmanage a logical server that has been previously activated.
Unmanaging the logical server may result in an inconsistent state, and may render the storage
pool entries unusable. An exception to this recommendation is if you plan to manage the profile
using VCEM.
Unmanaging a logical server leaves WWNs used by VC profile unavailable
After a logical server is unmanaged, any WWNs still being used by the underlying Virtual
Connect profile will become unavailable. This may make the storage pool entry unavailable.
Suggested actions
If you want to reuse the storage pool entry but do not need to keep the original WWNs,
modify the storage pool entry to increase the Maximum Number of Sharers by 1. This
assigns a second set of WWNs to the storage pool entry, and allows the storage pool entry
to be reused.
If you want to reuse the original WWNs, free them in one of the following ways:
Using Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager, unassign and delete the VC profile.
Using Tools
→Logical Servers→Refresh..., refresh the VCEM GUID Server. This will
make the WWNs in the storage pool entry to become available.
If the VC Profile is not already assigned to a blade that is powered on, use Virtual
Connect Enterprise Manager to assign the VC profile to a server blade and power it on.
Using Tools
→Logical Servers→Import..., import the server blade, which creates a
new logical server that will automatically be associated with the storage pool entry.
Deactivate the logical server.
Delete the logical server, which will free the storage pool entry and WWNs.
Synchronize clocks on the CMS, managed systems, and VMware vCenter
Ensure that time synchronization has been performed among the CMS, managed systems
(including VM Hosts), and VMware vCenter. Failure to do so results in errors in both vCenter
and Insight Dynamics software.
Suggested action
Use clock synchronization software such as the Windows Time Service or
the Network Time Protocol.
Moving the data store of an ESX VM logical server
If you want to move the data store of an ESX virtual machine logical server for storage
maintenance (for example, to retire an array or perform maintainance on an array), perform the
following steps.
Unmanaging a logical server using a storage pool entry may result in an inconsistent state