Using control for admin, P. 134), Exiting viewer ptz – Canon VB-S800D User Manual

Page 134: Differences between viewer ptz and digital ptz, Opening/closing and moving control items, Performing operations and settings

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After changing the preview frame, the video display area will
continue to display the cropped video corresponding to the

preview frame even after the Viewer PTZ panel is closed.

However, when you reconnect to Admin Viewer, the initial status
will be restored.

„ Exiting Viewer PTZ

Click the [Viewer PTZ] button again. The Viewer PTZ

panel closes and Viewer PTZ is exited.

„ Differences Between Viewer PTZ and Digital


Viewer PTZ and Digital PTZ are both simple pan, tilt, and

zoom functions that use the digital zoom function, but they

have the following differences because they employ

different operating principles.

Using Control for Admin

When you have obtained control privileges, click the

[Control for Admin] button to display the Control for Admin

Panel and perform camera operation and video settings.

„ Opening/Closing and Moving Control Items

Clicking the title of a control item will open or close it.

You can open the various control items even without
obtaining the camera control privileges, but all items other
than [Video Reception] are not available.
You can also reorder control items using the up/down

„ Performing Operations and Settings

Click the camera control buttons to set the pan, tilt and

zoom operations as well as the speed.

(1) [Pan/Tilt] button

Move pan and tilt in the direction of the arrows.

Operation will continue as long as you are holding

down the button and will stop when you release it.

Clicking the center button will make the camera face

straight forwards.

(2) [Zoom] buttons

Zooms in or out. Operation will continue as long as

you are holding down the button and will stop when

you release it.

(3) [Pan/Tilt] Speed

Select a speed from [Fast], [Normal] and [Slow].

(4) [Zoom] Speed

Set the speed to [Fast] or [Slow].

Viewer PTZ

Digital PTZ

Enlarges the specified part of
the video transmitted from the
camera and then displays it in
the viewer.

Transmits only the trimmed
part of the entire area that can
be captured by the camera.

The size of the received data
is large.

The size of the received data
is small.

Can be used only in Admin

Can be used in both Admin
Viewer and VB Viewer.

PTZ operation can be
performed independently for
each viewer.

Independent operation cannot
be performed for each viewer
(if multiple viewers are
connected, the same display
is applied in the other





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