Brother PT-3600 User Manual
Page 127

Text and formats 51
Text lines 51
Repeat Printing function 70
Replacing tape cassette 7
Return key 45, 47
Right alignment 60
Roller cleaning 92
Rotating text 61
RS-232C port (PT-9600) 2
Saving text file 72
Shift key 46
Signs 48, 96
Size function 54
Software (PT-9600)
Space bar 46
Special characters
Specifications 94
Stamp function 65
Stamp kits 116
Stamp, assembling 39
Striking out 58
Style1 function 57
Style2 function 58
Supplies 116
Symbol function 48
Symbol key 48
Symbols 48, 96
System configuration 9, 20
Fabric 39
Iron-on transfer 38
Laminated 38
Tape cassette
Tape compartment cover 2
Tape exit slot 2
Tape Length function 63
Tape Margin function 62
Tapes 116
Template text
Entering 66
Printing 67, 78
Style 67, 77
Text Alignment function 60
Text formats 52
Text Rotation function 61
Troubleshooting 90
Turning power on/off 7
Typing text 46
UNDER# parameter 49
Underlining 58
Uppercase letters 46
USB port 2, 9
Washing garments with labels 38
Width function 56
WIDTH parameter 49