Brother RJ-4040 User Manual
Page 71

ESC/P Command Reference
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5. Control Command Details
h n1 n2
Height=n1+n2*256 (dots)
If height<48, height=48.
If height>480, height=480.
h (height)
However, the height is as shown below with tc.
131≤height≤832 (RSS-14 Standard)
71≤height≤832 (RSS-14 Truncated)
71≤height≤832 (RSS-14 Stacked)
239≤height≤832 (RSS-14 Stacked Omni)
62≤height≤832 (RSS Limited)
134≤height≤832 (RSS Expanded)
If height If height>max., height=max. w w0: extra small w1: small E or e e0: ON o o0: RSS-14 Standard o1: RSS-14 Truncated o2: RSS-14 Stacked o3: RSS-14 Stacked Omnidirectional o4: RSS Limited o5: RSS Expanded Standard o6: RSS Expanded Stacked c c: o. of horizontal characters This must be an even value where 2≤no. of horizontal characters≤20. z z0: (3:1) f f0: OFF (A barcode with a large number of stacked rows may be considered out of specifications and unreadable by the reader.)
w2: medium
w3: large
(parentheses deletion)
e1: OFF
(RSS symbols model)
(number of horizontal
characters for RSS
Expanded Stacked)
(ratio between thick and
thin bars)
z1: (2.5:1)
z2: (2:1)
(equalize bar lengths)
f1: ON