PNI SeaTRAX User Manual

Page 67

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PNI Sensor Corporation

DOC#1018154 r02

SeaTRAX User Manual

Page 62

kPacketMinSize = 5

// min size of serial packet


// SerPort is a serial communication object abstracting
// the hardware implementation

CommProtocol(CommHandler * handler = NULL, SerPort *

serPort = NULL);

void Init(UInt32 baud = 38400);

void SendData(UInt8 frame, void * dataPtr = NULL, UInt32

len = 0);

void SetBaud(UInt32 baud);


CommHandler * mHandler;

SerPort * mSerialPort;

UInt8 mOutData[kBufferSize], mInData[kBufferSize];

UInt16 mExpectedLen;

UInt32 mOutLen, mOldInLen, mTime, mStep;

UInt16 CRC(void * data, UInt32 len);

void Control();
