FUTEK IHH200 Digital Display User Manual
Page 20

10 Thomas, Irvine, CA 92618
USA T (949)-465-0900 F (949)-465-0905
IHH200 Manual 2.5 - Page 20
Calibration Menu Parameters
SEnS 5.0 Parameter
The IHH200 is factory set to enable calibration with sensors generating an input signal of 5mV/V or less. In
the majority of cases it will not be necessary to read higher signal levels. If however, a higher sensitivity sensor is used
with the IHH200, it will be necessary to gain access to the internal PCB (you must turn the IHH200 off) to move link
LK1 to JP1 (see picture below) to allow the IHH200 to accept sensitivities of up to 50mV/V. TEDS should only be
used with 5mV/V as 50mV/V is not factory calibrated.
Once this link has been moved, you will need to go back into the CALIBRATION MENU. When re entering the menu,
you will notice that the parameter
SEnS 5.0
has changed to
SEnS 50.0
to change the sensitivity to 50mV/V press
, the IHH200 will now check the position of the link and change the sensitivity. It will now be necessary to
recalibrate any sensors that you may previously have calibrated to this instrument.
SEt rES Parameter
This parameter enables the setting of two features on the IHH200. It allows you to set the decimal point position of
the display, by pressing the
together, to move the point position (each press moves the decimal point
position one place to the right). It also allows for the setting of the display resolution or the number of display counts
the display changes with an input change. To change the resolution use the
arrows to select a digit
you want to change and the
arrows to increment or decrement the digits. Press
to accept the
CALibrAt Parameter (disabled when TEDS is enabled)
This parameter is used to calibrate and scale the IHH200 with a sensor. There are two basic methods of calibration
available. These are
. There is also a third parameter, which can be used for maintenance and
recording purposes. This parameter is
. The
value can be viewed after a calibration has been
completed and will show the offset and gain figures from any stored calibration. If these figures are noted, they can
be used to re-enter at a later date if calibration data is lost for any reason or if the calibration data from a sensor
needs to be transferred to another IHH200.
tedS Parameter
This parameter automatically calibrates the IHH200 with the data from the TEDS chip. The two annunciators appear
when active connection with a TEDS peripheral has been made. When there is a loss of connection these
annunciators flash. When changing a sensor the IHH200 should be power cycled as this is when the TEDS data is
read. Calibration Procedures are not available when TEDS is enabled.
Sensitivity link should be in this
position for use with sensors, with
sensitivities <+/- 5mV/V
Sensitivity link should be in this
position for use with sensors, with
sensitivities >+/-5mV/V