Overview of readcenter – Badger Meter ReadCenter User Manual

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READCENTER® Reading Data Management

Overview of READCENTER

Badger Meter's READCENTER is a reading data management software application that provides a central location for

performing various meter reading tasks. It allows data sharing across the meter reading solutions offered by Badger Meter.

Supported reading technologies include GALAXY®, ORION®, BadgerTouch®, TRACE® and manual meter reading.

For walk-by/drive-by meter reading, READCENTER currently supports the following:

ORION’s mobile reading system

Trimble® Ranger™

Radix® Data Collector

TRACE Mini Mobile Interrogator (MMI)

ReadAll® Data Collector

For Fixed and Hybrid Network meter reading, READCENTER currently supports the following:

ORION gateway receiver

GALAXY gateway receiver

Other components of READCENTER can be purchased to support additional reading methods listed above. Please

contact your Badger Meter sales representative for more information.

The software is laid out in sections and grouped according to task. The functions in each of these sections are described in

this manual.

Client Function Software Layout