Badger Meter ReadCenter User Manual
Page 26
Page 26
READCENTER® Reading Data Management
Apply Gateway Readings to the Customer Account Records
This function is used to obtain billable readings from a desired date and post them on the customer account records.
NOTE: If you receive a Duplicate Module Serial # message, refer to page 55.
Select Gateway Reading Reports from the main menu listed under the Gateway Reading heading.
1. Select Last Read from the column of Reports. Data defaults to the current date.
2. Use the End Date drop down if you choose to post reads as of a specific date. For example, customer reads are
always posted on the 25th regardless of holiday or weekend.
3. Choose the Period of time desired. For example, Previous Day.
4. Click Run Report and then click the Apply button to apply the readings. The following message appears when
the task is complete. Read the message to ensure you received what you expected.
Sample 1
Sample 2
Review the data in Sample 2. A Save/Clear Reads function was not done or the Reading Cycle was processed out
of order, therefore readings were not applied.
NOTE: Accounts Not On File means the gateway "hears" a transmission but there is no customer record link.