West Control Solutions MRC 7000 Recorder Manual User Manual

Page 38

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This procedure is used to calibrate the pen(s). No special test equipment required.

Valid inputs must be connected to TB 4 and TB 5 before performing this calibration. With CAL
displayed, push and hold the DOWN key, then press the SCROLL key . Release both keys
and the display will indicate PEn1. For 2 Pen instruments, press the DOWN key to toggle the
display between pen 1 and pen 2. With desired pen displayed, press the SCROLL key.


dELY will be displayed as the pen selected moves toward the center chart hub. PEnL will be
displayed; use the UP and/or DOWN keys to adjust the pen to the low end or 0% of the chart.
When adjusted, press the SCROLL key, SCAn will appear for 10 seconds and the pen
location value will be saved in memory. Next dELY will appear as the pen moves to the outer
edge or, 100% mark on the chart. PEnh will appear, use the UP and/or DOWN keys to adjust
the pen position to the proper 100% of chart position. Press the SCROLL key and SCAn will
be displayed as the pen position value is saved. Then dELy will be displayed as the pen
moves to about mid-scale. CAL9 will be displayed showing that the calibration is complete.
When the calibration is complete, with CAL9 displayed, press the UP key twice to properly
exit the calibration mode. CAL9 can now be repeated on the other pen of a 2 pen instrument
or another routine can be selected.


P.dn will be displayed while the selected pen is moved to it's "HOME" position (toward the
chart hub) with the decimal point flashing to indicate this mode. Once "Pen Home" is found,
the pen will move to the inner ring and PEnL will be displayed. At this point, one of two
adjustments may be made; Pen Arc or Zero and Span.

Pen Arc - To adjust the pen arc, the UP and DOWN keys are pressed simultaneously to draw
an arc for visual reference. The display will show P uP while the selected pen moved upscale
to the top stop position. The pen then moves back downscale to nominally place the pen at
the outer ring (100%) of the chart. The display will now display ArC.
The pen arm may be loosened and the length adjusted to a position and angle to place the
pen tip near the outer ring then re-tighten the pen arm. Press any key and the pen will drive
to "HOME", then back to the inner ring (0%) and PEnL will be displayed.

Zero and Span - To begin a pen zero, with PEnL in the display, the UP or DOWN key may be
pressed to move the pen to the low end of the chart span (0%). When adjusted, press the
SCROLL key and P uP is displayed while the pen is moved to the outer edge (100%) of the
chart, then PEnh is displayed. To adjust pen span, use the UP and DOWN keys to adjust the
pen for the high end (100%) of the chart. When adjusted, press the SCROLL key and P dn
will be displayed for about 5 seconds while the pen is moved to the 50% point on the chart,
then PEn1 is displayed. Calibration may now be performed again to verify the accuracy, or
press the UP key twice to exit back to the CAL mode.