SHIMPO FGS-100-PXL User Manual
Page 4

Edit Test Configuration Data
Figure 3. Edit Test Configuration Window
When creating a new configuration file, or if modifying an existing file, the user must enter the "Edit Test
Configuration" window. Click on the "Edit Configuration Data" icon (Fig 4) or from the menu select
"Edit - Edit Configuration", the "Edit Test Configuration" window (Fig 3) will be dsiplayed.
Modify the parameters per the test requirements then click on the "Ok" button.
Click on the "Cancel" button to exit the window without accepting any changes.
After modifying parameters the user must save the changes. From the menu click on "File - Save" to save
the data to the existing filename. Click on "File - Save As" to be able to save the data to a new filename.
Send Configuration Data
After saving the configuration data the user must send the data to the Platform. Click on the "Send
Configuration Data To Platform" icon (Fig 4) or from the menu click on "Run - Send Configuration".
The Configuration window changes to a pink background (Fig 6) signifying the data was successfully
transferred to the Platform.
The system is now ready for the calibration cycle.
Figure 4. Toolbar Icons
Figure 5. File Save Format Selection
Edit Configuration Data icon
!!! Send Configuration Data To Platform icon !!!
Calibrate The Platform icon
Run New Data Test icon