Probe: all ports busy, Probe failed, Probing

Page 160: Pots call bump, Retrieved

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Appendix B. Log Messages


Express 4100/4110 User Manual


Software Watch Dog Reset

- Software watchdog was not updated

Probe: all ports busy

level 3

All ports were busy when it was time to probe. An attempt will be made
on the next probe interval.

Probe failed

level 2

An attempt to connect to a probe site failed.


level 4

The Express 4100/4110 is making an outgoing call to the destination spec-
ified by the description in the Connection List in order to get an update on

POTS call bump

level 4

The Express 4100/4110 has dropped bandwidth on an existing data call so
that a POTS call can be connected.


level 5

The Express 4100/4110 has retrieved a previously held call. If no caller ID
is available for the ISDN line, then will be blank for incoming


level 5

An incoming call from was ringing. If no caller ID is available
for the ISDN line then will be blank.