KROHNE BM 100A Handbook User Manual
Page 77

Handbook BM 100 A
9.4.7 F9
Change colours used on PCSTAR display board. 16 are available.
F1 – Help
On-line PCSTAR Help
F2 – Exit and save
Saves new settings for the screen elements concerned
F3 – Exit
Exit to main title window without saving modified elements.
F4 – Default colors
Reset to original colour scheme
Modifiable color parameters
Screen elements
Chosen component
Select display
window from the
drop-down menu
Selected by scrolling through a drop-down menu or by clicking on the element
concerned. Click on colour palette to select colour and press F2 to save
modified settings and exit.
Background, tank, text, level, interface level, shadow, information background,
information text and light
Current outputs
Background, current outputs text, current output 2, current output 1,shadow
and light
Measurement bar
Background, level, text, distance, interface level, volume, ullage volume,
shadow and light.
Background, dead zone ,frame, grid, signal, position arrow, actual gain, other
gains, shadow and light
Background, markers, frame, grid and position cursor
9.4.8 Other important PCSTAR functions
Ctrl Alt R: Reflex Radar BM100 A – Reset
This resets the gauge. This should be done before operating with a new configuration. It empties the
old data temporarily stored in the gauge memory and permits the gauge to go through a series of
checks to accept and operate with a new configuration.
Alt E: Connection – Epsilon R Warning: critical parameter!
Only available when PCSTAR is communicating with the gauge and the real-time main
measurement display is selected. This permits dynamic configuration of the product’s dielectric
constant for interface and Tank Bottom Following (TBF) measurement applications only. This
corresponds to User Function 1.5.5 (Epsilon R) in the User’s configuration menu.
Alt L: Connection – Linearization Table Warning: critical parameter!
A four-point linear calibration table. The BM100A normally requires no optimisation of accuracy by
the user following calibration at the factory of origin. For further information, please contact the local
KROHNE service centre or refer to the relevant section in the BM100A Service Manual.
Ctrl Alt C: Connection – Calculator
A calculator with basic mathematical functions appears.