KROHNE BM 100A Handbook User Manual

Page 70

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Handbook BM 100 A

Other error markers not shown on the oscilloscope window (scroll screen to view):

Other Markers


ADC reference error

ADC=Analog to Digital Converter

RAM error

RAM=Random Access Memory

ROM error

ROM=Read-Only Memory

EEPROM user error

EEPROM=Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

EEPROM factory error

Strap table error

Strap table=volume calibration input table

DAC error

DAC=Digital to Analog Converter

Error markers detailed in items 1 to 5 above are the result of errors directly related to measurement
and may be solved by modifying the gauge settings. Other error markers relate to hardware errors
and should be solved with KROHNE service centre assistance.

Other functions available on the Oscilloscope window:
F1 – Help

On-line help file

F3 – Exit

Exit to real-time measurement main window

F4 – Zoom -

Reduces the time slice scale

F5 – Zoom +

Increases the time slice scale

F10 – Screen copy

To select a directory and save the current screen as a bitmap file.

F9 – Colors Menu

Refer to section 9.4.7 for all information concerning this set of functions.

F10 – Screen copy Menu
To save a bitmap image of the active window.