GW Instek PEL-3000 Series Quick Start Guide User Manual

Page 15

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Select Sub Menu


Pressing this type of soft-menu key will enter a

Toggle Parameter or State




Parameter or State

This type of soft-menu icon has the function/item
on the top of the label and the selected setting or
mode on the bottom of the label.

Repeatedly press the associated function key
(F1~F5) to cycle through each setting.

For some parameters, a popup window will also
appear. Selection of the setting is the same.
Repeatedly pressing the relevant function key
(F1~F5) will cycle through each setting.

Parameter Input

The scroll wheel, Enter key and number pad can
be used to edit parameter values.


Use the scroll wheel to move the cursor to the
desired parameter.

A scroll bar is shown when there are
additional parameters off-screen.