Set autospan level, Set serial id, Set-up for relay outputs – Detcon 700 Series Remote Sensor/Alarm Relay Module With HART Interface User Manual

Page 12: 2 set autospan level, 3 set serial id, 4 set-up for relay outputs

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3.2 Set AutoSpan Level

Set AutoSpan Level is used to set the span gas concentration level that is being used to calibrate the sensor.
This level is adjustable from 10% to 100% of range. The current setting can be viewed in View Sensor

The menu item appears as: “Set AutoSpan Level

From the Set AutoSpan Level text scroll, hold the magnet over PGM1 (©) or PGM2 (ª) until the arrow
prompt appears and then hold continuously for an additional 3 seconds. The display will then switch to
“XX“ (where XX is the current gas level). Swipe the magnet momentarily over PGM2 to increase or PGM1
to decrease the AutoSpan Level until the correct level is displayed. Hold the magnet over PGM1 or PGM2
for 3 seconds to accept the new value. The display will scroll “AutoSpan Level Saved”, and revert to “Set
AutoSpan Level” text scroll.

The user can then choose to either: 1) move to another menu item by executing a momentary hold, or 2)
return to Normal Operation via 5 second automatic timeout.

3.3 Set Serial ID

The HART-RAM can be polled via the Modbus™ interface. The HART-RAM Serial ID # should be set as a
slave device to a master polling device. The Serial ID # of the HART-RAM is independent of the Serial ID #
of the Model 700 Gas Sensor.

NOTE: The Serial ID # of the Model 700 Gas Sensor connected to the HART-RAM must be
set to ID = 01 for proper communication between the two devices.

Set Serial ID is used to set the Modbus™ serial ID address of the HART-RAM. It is adjustable from 01 to
127 in hexadecimal format (01-7F hex). The current serial ID can be viewed in View Sensor Status using the
instruction given in Section 3.1 View Sensor Status.

The menu item appears as: “Set Serial ID

From the “Set Serial ID” text scroll, hold the programming magnet over PGM1 (©) or PGM2 (ª) until the
arrow prompt appears and then hold continuously for an additional 3 seconds. The display will then switch
to “XX“ (where XX is the current ID address). Swipe the magnet momentarily over PGM2 to increase or
PGM1 to decrease the hexadecimal number until the desired ID is displayed. Hold the magnet over PGM1
or PGM2 for 3 seconds to accept the new value. The display will scroll “New ID Saved”, and revert to “Set
Serial ID” text scroll.

The user can then choose to either: 1) move to another menu item by executing a momentary hold, or 2)
return to Normal Operation via 5 second automatic timeout.

3.4 Set-up for Relay Outputs

The user interface allows for the setting and configuration of the three relay contacts of the HART-RAM.
The three relays can be optionally configured as follows:

Alarm 1: 1) gas level, 2) ascending/descending, 3) latching/non-latching and 4) energized/de-energized
Alarm 2: 1) gas level, 2) ascending/descending, 3) latching/non-latching and 4) energized/de-energized
Fault: 1) latching/non-latching and 2) energized/de-energized


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