Detcon Span Gas Humidifier User Manual
Detcon span gas humidifier, Operators instruction sheet, 0 description

Detcon Span Gas Humidifier
Part Number 943-20200
Operators Instruction Sheet
December 1, 1998, Document #2026, Rev. 1.0
1.0 Description
Detcon part number 943-20200 span gas humidifier is a device that humidifies span gas for use with Detcon
“TP” series solid state H2S sensors. Gas taken from span gas bottles is inherently dry, approaching 0%
humidity. The low humidity is not a problem when used with Detcon electrochemical type H2S sensors.
However, low humidity span gas will create erroneous readings if used to calibrate the solid state H2S sensor.
To remedy this problem, Detcon has designed the span gas humidifier which will add an appropriate amount
of humidity to the span gas that passes through it, thus allowing calibration of the solid state H2S sensor.
2.0 Principle of Operation
In operation, span gas passes into the mixing chamber where it is mixed with gaseous H2O that permeates
through a special membrane. The gas then exits the mixing chamber with an appropriate concentration of
humidity for calibration.
3.0 Instructions
To operate, first verify that there is water in the water chamber. If there is no water, simply unscrew the nylon
plug and fill with distilled water. Using a syringe may be helpful. Replace the nylon plug. Next attach the
span gas cylinder to a gas port via 1/8 inch ID polyvinyl tubing. Attach an additional length of tubing to the
other gas port for the calibration gas output. Gas flow up to 1000 ml/min. is acceptable.
No special maintenance is required.
detcon inc.
Nylon Plug
Water Chamber
Mixing Chamber
Gas Port
Gas Port
Shipping Address: 3200 A-1 Research Forest Dr., The Woodlands, Texas 7381
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 8067, The Woodlands, Texas 77387-8067
phone 888-367-4286, 281-367-4100 • fax 281-292-2860 • • [email protected]