DeFelsko PosiTector 6000 v.7.3 Full Manual User Manual
Page 39
Coating Thickness Standards
Certified Thickness Standards are used to verify the accuracy and
operation of coating thickness gages and are an important
component in fulfilling both ISO/QS-9000 and in-house quality
control requirements. Contracts often specify that coating
thickness measurements be taken by gages whose measurement
accuracy is traceable to a National Metrology Institute such as
Standards are typically purchased as an accessory to coating
thickness gages. Many customers find it more practical to verify
the accuracy of their own gages in-house, rather than utilize
DeFelsko’s calibration services. This is particularly true when
many gages are in use and/or when accuracy verification is
performed often.
Nylon Case
Convenient soft shell nylon case for carrying a PosiTector.
Case has compartments for Certificates of Calibration, instruction
manuals and other accessories.
PosiTector Case
Convenient hard shell plastic case for carrying a PosiTector and
multiple probes - including any of the PosiTector 6000 - Coating
Thickness, PosiTector 200 - Ultrasonic Coating Thickness,
DPM - Dew Point Meter, SPG - Surface Profile, RTR - Replica
Tape Reader, or UTG - Ultrasonic Wall Thickness probes. Case
has compartments for Certificates of Calibration, instruction
manuals and other accessories.
Protective Lens Shield
One lens shield is included with every PosiTector instrument.
Additional package of five (5) thin plastic lens shields are available
and ideal for protecting the PosiTector display from paint and