Service checklist, Quality products since 1866 – Star Water Systems S1104 User Manual

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ELECTRICAL PRECAUTIONS- Before servicing a pump, always shut off the main power breaker and then unplug the pump - mak-

ing sure you are not standing in water and wearing insulated protective sole shoes. Under fl ooded conditions, contact your local electric company or a

qualifi ed licensed electrician for disconnecting electrical service prior to pump removal.

Submersible pumps contain oil which becomes pressured and hot under operating conditions — allow 2½ hours after disconnecting before

attempting service.


Check fuse, low voltage, over load open, open or incorrect wiring, open switch, impeller or seal bound me chan i cal ly,

defective capacitor or relay when used, motor or wiring shorted. Float assembly held down. Switch defective,

dam aged, or out of adjustment.

Incorrect voltage, negative head (discharge open lower than normal) impeller or seal bound mechanically, defec-

tive capacitor or relay, motor shorted.

Float switch tether length too short, check valve stuck, or none installed in long distance line, over load open,

switch defective.

Debris under fl oat assembly, fl oat bound by pit sides or other, switch de fec tive, damaged or out of adjustment.

Check strainer housing, discharge pipe, or if check valve is used, the vent hole must be clear. Dis charge head

ex ceeds pump capacity. Low or incorrect voltage. Incorrect motor rotation. Ca pac i tor defective. Incoming water

con tain ing air or causing air to enter pump ing chamber.

Increased pipe friction, clogged line or check valve. Abrasive material and ad verse chem i cals could possibly

deteriorate impeller and pump housing. Check line. Remove base and inspect.

Carefully tighten pipe joints (use pipe dope) and screws. Check gasket location, tighten lid evenly. Do not over

tighten fi ttings or screws.


A. Pump will not start or run.

B. Motor overheats and trips over load

or blows fuse.

C. Pump starts and stops too often.

D. Pump will not shut off.

E. Pump operates but delivers little

or no wa ter.

F. Drop in head and/or capacity after

a period of use.

G. If tank or fi ttings leak.

If the above checklist does not uncover the problem, consult the factory - Do not attempt to service or otherwise disassemble pump.

Service Checklist

95 N. Oak St. • Kendallville, IN 46755


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“Quality Products since 1866”