Spectra Precision Survey Pro v5.2 User Manual

Page 52

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While the rover receives data (corrections and position) from the base, enter
the rover antenna height you measured previously (

Measured field) and how

you measured it (

To field).

You may ask the rover to log raw data (for post-processing) by just
specifying a recording interval in the

Post Processing Recording Interval field.

If you earlier set up a base doing the same, then make sure you are using
the same recording interval for both receivers. Select “Off” if data logging
is not required.



Confirm or change the point where the base is located.

For most receivers, the height of the base antenna is broadcast over the
data link, so you do not need to change the base antenna height displayed
on this page.

NOTE: The broadcast height will be reduced to the antenna phase center, and will
show as an “Unknown” antenna brand.

If your rover receiver does not get the base antenna height from the data
link (

Measured= ”0.000”, Base Brand= “Unknown” and Antenna Type=

“Unknown Broadcast”), you need to specify the antenna brand and type
used at the base, enter the measured height and specify the mark used to
measure the height (tap on the

Change button to access the base’s Antenna

Height definition screen).

NOTE: Next time you run your rover, Survey Pro will automatically query the Base
Info list (see Managing Reference Stations on page 57) for the suitable base to use

with the rover, thus skipping the base location selection step described here.

If both the base location and antenna type match, Survey Pro will automatically use
the antenna parameters stored in the Base Info list for that base, and not the
antenna parameters broadcast by the base.

The message

Rover is ready to set with reference station “x”. will indicate that the base

was picked from the reference station data base, whereas the message

Rover is ready

to start a survey with base point ‘x’. will indicate it was found in the survey file.

Any time a VRS (Virtual Reference Station) survey is started, excluding a PRS
(Physical Reference Station) in a VRS survey, automatic base selection will be done
as well. The message

Rover is ready to start a survey with virtual base ‘x’ will be displayed

in this case.

If the

Finish button is displayed, this means the coordinate system is fully

solved, and you are ready to collect data.