Brocade Network OS YANG Reference Manual v4.1.1 User Manual
Page 75

Network OS YANG Reference Manual
Firmware download sanity check:
module: brocade-firmware
+--rw firmware
| +--rw download
| | +--ro sanity-check
| | +--ro input
| | | +--ro user string
| | | +--ro password? string
| | | +--ro host string
| | | +--ro directory string
| | | +--ro file? string
| | | +--ro protocol string
| | | +--ro rbridge-id rbridge-ids-all-type
| | +--ro output
| | +--ro fwdl-tid? int32
| | +--ro fwdl-status? int32
| | +--ro fwdl-msg? string
Restore a firmware version:
module: brocade-firmware
+--rw firmware
| +--rw download
| +--ro restore
| | +--ro input
| | +--ro output
| | +--ro result? string
Synchronize firmware to peer processor:
module: brocade-firmware
+--rw firmware
| +--rw download
| +--ro sync
| | +--ro input
| | +--ro output
| | +--ro result? string
Activate the firmware:
module: brocade-firmware
+--rw firmware
| +--rw download
| +--ro activate
| | +--ro input
| | | +--ro rbridge-id? rbridge-ids-all-type
| | +--ro output
| | +--ro overall-status? int32
| | +--ro overall-error-msg? string
| | +--ro activate-output [rbridge-id]
| | +--ro rbridge-id common-def:rbridge-id-type
| | +--ro status? int32
Recover a firmware:
module: brocade-firmware
+--rw firmware
| +--rw download
| +--ro recover
| | +--ro input
| | | +--ro rbridge-id? rbridge-ids-all-type
| | +--ro output