Brocade Network OS YANG Reference Manual v4.1.1 User Manual

Page 46

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Network OS YANG Reference Manual




| | | +--ro result? string

Clear the errors that are stored in the nonvolatile storage during the burn-in process:

module: brocade-diagnostics

+--rw diag
| +--ro burninerrclear
| | +--ro output

| | | +--ro result? string

Configure all the parameters required for the system verification test:

module: brocade-diagnostics

+--rw diag
| +--ro setcycle

| | +--ro input
| | | +--ro tbr_passes? uint32
| | | +--ro num_of_runs? uint32
| | | +--ro min_lb_mode? uint32
| | | +--ro plb_nframes? uint32
| | +--ro output
| | | +--ro result? string

Set debug:

module: brocade-diagnostics

+--rw diag
| +--ro setdbg

| | +--ro input
| | +--ro level? enumeration

Run post verification test:

module: brocade-diagnostics

+--rw diag
| +--rw post

| +--rw rbridge-id [rbridge-id]
| | +--rw enable? empty
| | +--rw rbridge-id common-def:rbridge-id-type
| +--rw enable? empty

Run native FOS commands:

module: brocade-diagnostics

+--rw fos

+--ro exec

+--ro input
| +--ro (op)?
| +--:(file)
| | +--ro file? string
| +--:(cmd)
| +--ro cmd? string
+--ro output

Displays results of Diagpost:

module: brocade-common-def

+--rw show

| +--rw diagnostics:diag
| | +--rw diagnostics:post
| | | +--ro diagnostics:results
| | | +--ro diagnostics:input
| | | | +--ro (localremote)?
| | | | | +--:(local)