Renkus-Heinz ICL-R User Manual
Page 59

ive Users Manual - Models ICL-R & IC215S-R
If these settings are correct and you still receive the ‘No CobraNet Device Found” error message;
4. In RHAON select the File pull down menu and select the Network Manager. Wait for a minute or two, to see if a list of the
RHAON/CobraNet devices on the network appears. If it doesn’t something is blocking the CobraNet packets or you have
a network problem.
a. Disable any third-party software firewalls and network security software. Versions of Zone Alarm, Norton Internet
Security, for example, are known to block CobraNet packets and must be disabled to use RHAON. The Windows
Firewall can remain on.
If you have disabled any security software and still can’t see any CobraNet devices in the Network Manager, try
bypassing the network and connecting directly to a single RHAON device using a known-good cable. Bypass
all installed network infrastructure including switches. Check the communication lights on the CobraNet devices input
port, rapid flashing green indicates a connection.
(Note, you may require a crossover cable for this direct connection, but probably not. Most lap tops have
auto-switching NICs and do not require a crossover cable)
b. If you still cannot see any devices in the Network Manager and you’ve double-checked all of the above, you may
need to update the drivers for your NIC or try a different NIC.
Symptom: My RHAON device is slow to synchronize and slow to save.
1. RHAON can be somewhat sluggish as CobraNet is given first priority, but if synchronizing and
saving take more than 20-30 seconds, you may have a network problem.
a. Start the RHAON Network Manager and look at the error count for all devices. Any device that shows errors has a
suspect network connection. Refer to the next Symptom for troubleshooting hints.
Symptom: I see errors reported in the RHAON Network Manager for a device or devices.
1. Try a different port on the switch to see if this eliminates the errors.
2. Qualify the cable. The cable must be able to qualify at 100 mbps.