Renkus-Heinz ICL-R User Manual

Page 11

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ive Users Manual - Models ICL-R & IC215S-R


Operation With No PC

This portion of the Users Guide assumes that all input connections have been made and that you are not using CobraNet digital audio for

the program source. If you are using CobraNet Digital Audio, refer to Pages 28, 29 & 30 for detailed instructions.

Note that if you are working with a stacked array, the Slave module is controlled by the Master module and most of the Slave’s controls will

be inoperative. Your connections need to be made to the lower Master module. You also need to make sure the CAT5 linking signal cable

and the short AC power cable that links the two modules together are in place.

We’ll start with a system that will be run without a computer.

1. Plug in the power cord(s) and turn on AC power to the Array. The ICL-R does not have a power switch. However it can be placed in or

out of Standby with the Volume Up and Volume Down push buttons. To change hold both buttons down for several seconds. The Power

LED will glow when the amplifier is On.

2. Check the preset digital readout display to make sure the correct preset is selected. On single ICL-R arrays:

Preset 10: is factory installed and locked to “Flat” for use in transducer testing and

should not be used during normal operation.

Preset 11: is factory installed for small venues needing a 50’ throw, but not locked and may be changed

Preset 12: is factory installed for venues needing a 75’ throw, but not locked and may be changed

Preset 13: is factory installed for venues needing a 100’ throw but not locked and may be changed

Presets 14, 15,16, 17, 18 & 19 are set aside for user installed presets.

On dual (stacked) ICL-R arrays;

Preset 20: is factory installed and locked to “Flat” for use in transducer testing and

should not be used during normal operation.

Preset 21: is factory installed for venues needing a 100’ throw, but not locked and may be changed

Preset 22: is factory installed for venues needing a 125’ throw, but not locked and may be changed

Preset 23: is factory installed for venues needing a 150’ throw, but not locked and may be changed

Presets 24, 25,26, 27, 28 & 29 are set aside for user installed presets.

Note: Graphic displays of the Presets can be viewed on pages 12 & 13.

3. If the right preset isn’t selected, use the Up & Down push buttons to select the desired preset. T

Then press the Enter button. The display will flash while the new Preset is being loaded and return

to a steady glow when the procedure is complete. If by accident, you select an empty Preset, the dots

following the numbers will flash to show no preset is being loaded (no preset is available).

4. If you will be using an AES/EBU digital signal, make sure the AES/EBU input has been selected. The status LED will be glowing green if

it is selected.

5. Check the setting of the Input Pad. The pad should be inserted if your analog input source has a high output level. When On, a 10 dB

pad is inserted into the input circuit enabling the amplifier to handle input levels of up to + 24 dBu. The yellow LED will glow when the pad

is inserted.

6. Set the amplifier’s output level using the Volume Up & Down push buttons. Notice that when you are using these buttons, the digital

readout will display the level setting in dB. You can also mute the output by pressing the Mute button.

Important: The factory presets do not include any EQ, high or low frequency shelving, delay or compression. These can be

added to the presets using a PC equipped with RHAON. Refer to page 17 for details.