Nexo GEO D User Manual
Page 9

154 allée des Erables - BP 50107 - 95950 ROISSY CDG CEDEX – France - Tel : +33 (1) 48-63-19-14
Fax : +33 (1) 48-63-24-61 - Email :
- Web :
S.A. au capital de 1.003.000 €. R.C
Bobigny 317 272 540 - SIRET 317 272 540 00038 APE 323Z
Height, z-pos
when cluster flown, distance between top of first cabinet and venue geometry reference
point 0 along Z axis;
when cluster stacked, distance between top of first cabinet and venue reference point 0
along Z axis;
Horizontal angle (Positive CCW looking from top) and Vertical angle (Positive going up)
are for Cluster Orientation;
Show Horizontal Coverage displays -6dB lines for selected cluster in Venue tab; these
line are defined as the intersection between each cabinet nominal -6dB coverage triangle
and venue planes.
Edit Venue
Opens the Edit Venue Planes Window:
Please refer to Editing Venue section for features description.
Spectrum (new)
Show / Hide Spectrum
Show Spectrum displays Frequency Response Plot next to Pressure Plot.
Hide Spectrum is identical to previous version display