Nexo GEO D User Manual
Page 10

154 allée des Erables - BP 50107 - 95950 ROISSY CDG CEDEX – France - Tel : +33 (1) 48-63-19-14
Fax : +33 (1) 48-63-24-61 - Email :
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S.A. au capital de 1.003.000 €. R.C
Bobigny 317 272 540 - SIRET 317 272 540 00038 APE 323Z
New Point
Opens Spectrum Point Coordinates Input Window
Edit Point
Opens Selected Spectrum Point Coordinates Input Window for editing
Delete Point
Deletes Selected Spectrum Point
Options Menu
Meter / Feet Units
Opens the Units Window:
- Do
when selected, switching from Meter to Feet (or vice versa) will not change Venue
when unselected, switching from Meter to Feet (or vice versa) will not change
numerical X/Y/Z values and will therefore scale up or down the venue.
Meter: the project is defined in the metric (m) - kilogram (kg) units system;
Feet: the project is defined in the feet (ft) - pound (Lb) units system;