Nexo GEO D User Manual
Page 38

154 allée des Erables - BP 50107 - 95950 ROISSY CDG CEDEX – France - Tel : +33 (1) 48-63-19-14
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S.A. au capital de 1.003.000 €. R.C
Bobigny 317 272 540 - SIRET 317 272 540 00038 APE 323Z
Cluster Dimensions and Weight
Cluster Type : as in Acoustic Page
GEO Quantity: as in Acoustic Page
CD18 Quantity: as in Acoustic Page
Bumper Angle: Angle in relation to Horizontal Line, CCW.
- Lower
Cluster Height: Overall Height including rigging accessories;
Cluster Width: Overall Width including rigging accessories;
Cluster Depth: Overall Depth including rigging accessories;
Rear Rigging Point Height: Rear Bumper Rigging Point height referenced to Z=0;
Front Rigging Point Height: Front Bumper Rigging Point height referenced to Z=0;
Lower Cabinet Height: referenced to Z=0;
Distance between rigging points: horizontal distance from Rear to Front Bumper Rigging Points
Gravity Center to Front Rigging Point: horizontal distance from Gravity Center to Front Rigging
Point (must be positive and less than distance between rigging points, turns red if gravity center
off rigging points, turns orange if 5% to the limits)
Gravity Center to Rear Rigging Point: horizontal distance from Gravity Center to Rear Rigging
Point (must be positive and less than distance between rigging points, turns red if gravity center
off rigging points, turns orange if 5% to the limits)
Clearance from Front Rigging Point: minimum free space required ahead of Front Rigging Point
Clearance from Rear Rigging Point: minimum free space required behind Rear Rigging Point
Cluster Weight: total cluster weight including rigging accessories
Weight on Front Rigging Point: must be positive and less than total Cluster Weight (turns red if
gravity center off rigging points, turns orange if 5% to the limits)
Weight on Rear Rigging Point: must be positive and less than total Cluster Weight (turns red if
gravity center off rigging points, turns orange if 5% to the limits)