Nexo GEO D User Manual

Page 20

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Bobigny 317 272 540 - SIRET 317 272 540 00038 APE 323Z


Frequency Response

Frequency plot becomes available by selecting “Show Spectrum” in the Spectrum Menu (or Right
Mouse Click on Side View.

Points for which frequency response will be computed are defined by Right Mouse clicking on Side
View. SP Point window allows then to enter coordinates.

Curves can be displayed Continuous, Octave Bands, 1/3rd Octave Bands or 1/6th Octave Bands.

Plots can be stored in memory by double-clicking on the point coordinates below display scrolling

Plots in memory can be erased by selecting point coordinates below display scrolling menu, and
pressing the “suppress” key.

Plot Colors can be changed by clicking and dragging point coordinates below display; below figure
is then displayed:

Simulation conditions


test signal : IEC268 filtered Pink Noise (similar spectral content than music);

- free-field


Important :


for distances superior to 80 meters (~260 feet), temperature, wind and hygrometry gradients do
not allow to make any reliable acoustic prediction.


GeoSoft simulation does not take in to account any room contribution (floor reflection,
reverberation…), nor another cluster contribution. Consequently, all dB values are default
values that might increase from 3 to 6dB.

This manual is related to the following products: