Nexo GEO D User Manual
Page 27

154 allée des Erables - BP 50107 - 95950 ROISSY CDG CEDEX – France - Tel : +33 (1) 48-63-19-14
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S.A. au capital de 1.003.000 €. R.C
Bobigny 317 272 540 - SIRET 317 272 540 00038 APE 323Z
Cluster Dimensions and Weight
Single Motor / One Rigging Point
Two Motors / Two Rigging Points
Cluster Type : as in Acoustic Page
GEO S1210 Quantity: as in Acoustic Page
GEO S1230 Quantity: as in Acoustic Page
Bumper Angle: Angle in relation to Horizontal Line, CCW.
Lower Cabinet Angle: bottom cabinet axis angle
Cluster Height: Overall Height including rigging accessories;
Cluster Width: Overall Width including rigging accessories;
Cluster Depth: Overall Depth including rigging accessories;
Rigging Point Height: Bumper Single Rigging Point height referenced to Z=0;
Rear Rigging Point Height: Bumper Rigging Point #17 height referenced to Z=0;
Front Rigging Point Height: Bumper Rigging Point #17 height referenced to Z=0;
Lower Cabinet Height: referenced to Z=0;
Distance between rigging points: horizontal distance from Rear to Front Bumper Rigging Points
Gravity Center to Front (Rear) Rigging Point: horizontal distance from Gravity Center to Front
(Rear) Rigging Point (must be positive and less than distance between rigging points, turns red
if gravity center off rigging points, turns orange if 5% to the limits)
Front (Rear) Clearance from Rigging Point: minimum free space required ahead of (behind)
single rigging point;
Clearance from Front (Rear) Rigging Point: minimum free space required ahead of Front
(behind Rear ) Rigging Point
Clearance from Rear Rigging Point: minimum free space required behind Rear Rigging Point
Cluster Weight: total cluster weight including rigging accessories
Weight on Front and Rear Rigging Point: must be positive and less than total Cluster Weight
(turns red if gravity center off rigging points, turns orange if 5% to the limits)