Notices, Regarding this instruction manual – Yokogawa JUXTA VJ Series Limit Alarms User Manual

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IM 77J01J11-01E

3rd Edition : Oct. 15, 2007-00


Regarding This Instruction Manual


This manual should be passed on to the end user. Keep the manual in a safe place.


Read this manual carefully to gain a thorough understanding of how to operate this
product before you start using it.


This manual is intended to describe the functions of this product. Yokogawa Electric
Corporation (hereinafter simply referred to as Yokogawa) does not guarantee that
these functions are suited to the particular purpose of the user.


Under absolutely no circumstance may the contents of this manual, in part or in whole,
be transcribed or copied without permission.


The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice.


Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in the preparation of this manual.
Should any errors or omissions come to your attention however, please contact your
nearest Yokogawa representative or our sales office.

Regarding Protection, Safety, and Prohibition Against Unauthorized


In order to protect the product and the system controlled by it against damage and
ensure its safe use, be certain to strictly adhere to all of the instructions and precau-
tions relating to safety contained in this document. Yokogawa does not guarantee
safety if products are not handled according to these instructions.


The following safety symbols are used on the product and/or in this manual.

Symbols Used on the Product and in This Manual


This symbol on the product indicates that the operator must refer to an explanation in
the instruction manual in order to avoid the risk of injury or death of personnel or
damage to the instrument. The manual describes how the operator should exercise
special care to avoid electric shock or other dangers that may result in injury or loss of

Protective Grounding Terminal

This symbol indicates that the terminal must be connected to ground prior to operating
the equipment.

Functional Grounding Terminal

This symbol indicates that the terminal must be connected to ground prior to operating
the equipment.

This manual is related to the following products: