And reconnecting connected instruments -18, Instruments -18, Checkng the connecton status – Yokogawa DAQWORX User Manual

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IM WX1-07E


Checkng the Clent Connecton Status and
Communcaton Status of Connected Instruments,
and Reconnectng Connected Instruments

Checkng the Clent Connecton Status and Communcaton Status of Connected


Checkng the Connecton Status


Click the Montor/Status tab or choose Vew > Montor/Status from the menu

bar. The Monitor/Status tab is displayed.

The client connection status and communication status of connected devices is


Indicator for the communication

status with the connected device

Green: Normal (comm. open)

Red: Communication error

Yellow: Data dropout occurred

and communication is retried

(communication paused)

No display: Communication error

(comm. paused)

Double-click to display the Error

Indicator dialog box

Displays the names of connected clients


• If the communication status of a connected device is red, check whether a model, control

mode, control output, or option in the Model Setting tab have the same settings as the

connected device, and whether the communication method is correct.

• Data acquisition cannot be performed when the status is red.