Yokogawa RAMC User Manual

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IM 01R01B02-00E-E 10th edition January 01, 2013 -00

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2003, Rota Yokogawa

The following usages of the instruments are not permitted:


use as climbing aid (e.g during assembling work on pipe system)


use as support for external load (e.g. support for piping) or tray surface for heavy tools (e.g. during piping


Material removal by any kind of machining (e.g. drilling, sawing etc.)


Painting of the name-plate/scale


Brazing or welding of parts to the instrument


Any repair, modification or supplements or the installation of spare-parts is only permitted if it is done in
accordance to this instruction manual. Other work must be agreed by YOKOGAWA beforehand.

YOKOGAWA will not take over any liability for damages caused by unauthorized work on the instrument
or prohibited usage of the instrument.