Warner Electric CBC-1000 User Manual
Page 3
Addendum Sheet
CBC-1000AH Service and Installation Instructions Additions to P-275
The CBC-1000AH Closed Loop Unidirectional Clutch/Brake Control System has had a feature addition and
the current manual number P-275 does not reflect this addition. The added feature is the auto home
capability (CBC-1000AH) which requires a marker input from the encoder to find its user defined home
position which might be lost during a power loss condition. There are a few simple steps that should be
followed to set up the CBC-1000AH properly.
1. Connect all the necessary components making sure the sig z wire (the marker pulse input) from the
encoder goes to control input 11 (sig z/marker) on the CBC-1000AH. This input was previously labeled
2. After the encoder and the controls are installed and turned on, position the machine at home and reset
the counter.
3. Rotate the machine until the ‘ref’ light to the left/bottom of the display lights up.
4. Record the number displayed on the counter when the ‘ref’ light is lit.
5. Enter the programming mode by pressing the RUN/PGM key on the front panel of the control and
typing 1000. The number that you recorded should be put in programming line 1 (h, the home
reference number). Subsequently, all the programming line numbers in the P-275 manual will be
incremented by 1.
6. Every cycle when the CBC-1000AH sees the marker pulse the home reference number that was
recorded will be loaded into the counter value on the front panel display. It is important that this value is
as close as possible to what it should be. If more than ten cycles have occurred and your error is greater
than +/- 15, you should decrease/increase respectively the home reference number.
7. After cycling approximately ten times observe your actual braking distance number (BRK DIS, key 8 on
the front keypad) enter the programming mode and record this number in line 2 (bd, initial braking
distance). Subtract the home reference number recorded in line 1 from the move preset (MOV PST, key 2
on the front keypad). This number must be greater than the actual braking distance number. If the
braking distance number is larger, then the encoder needs to be rotated without the machine being
rotated to change where the marker pulse occurs. Otherwise, the marker pulse will occur after the brake
has come on and will not be detected.
8. Before exiting the program mode you will need to turn Count Retention off (CrEt, programming line 8). If
count retention is left on and a power failure occurs while the system is in its braking mode when power
is reapplied, it will take three cycles to find home.
The auto home feature will be very helpful when a power failure occurs and the encoder/control are unable to
track position. When power is reapplied a remote start can be applied and the machine will rotate until the
marker pulse is detected then the home reference number that was loaded in will be downloaded to the count-
er and CBC-1000AH will know its position and perform an accurate stop. The machine may miss its first home
position if the power up position is past where the marker pulse occurs.
The CBC-1000AH is programmed to not allow any outputs to fire until a home reference number is entered.
Also, depending on the speed of your system a lower resolution encoder may be needed to increase the length
of the marker pulse so it can be properly detected. The encoder that has been sent is a 600ppr
encoder. Therefore, your MOVE PRESET (key 2 on the front panel) needs to be changed to 600 if you are only
moving one revolution per cycle.
Warner Electric LLC
31 Industrial Park Road
New Hartford, CT 06057
tel 815-389-3771
fax: 815-389-2582
An Altra Industrial
Motion Company