Eye measurements, Eye measurements overview – Teledyne LeCroy SDA III-CompleteLinQ User Manual
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SDAIII-CompleteLinQ Software
Eye Measurements
Eye Measurements Overview
Eye diagrams are a key component of serial data analysis. They are used both quantitatively and qual-
itatively to understand the quality of the signal communications path. Signal integrity effects such as
intersymbol interference, loss, crosstalk and EMI can be identified by viewing eye diagrams, such that
the eye is typically viewed prior to performing any further analysis. SDAIII-CompleteLinQ includes the
capability to display eye diagrams of up-to-four lanes plus a reference lanes simultaneously.
Eye diagrams can be built using either a single sweep or over multiple sweeps.
NOTE: To accumulate an eye over multiple sweeps, you should have the Find Rate Every Sweep check-
box (on the Clockdialog) unchecked.
The descriptor box for an Eye diagram includes following information:
Top line: volts/division of the eye
Second line: time/division of the eye
Third line: the number of unit intervals (UI) in the eye
If cursors are enabled, cursor values appear in subsequent lines.
The main dialog for eye measurements is accessible by clicking the Eye Meas button on the SDAIII-Com-
pleteLinQ dialog, or by selecting the Eye tab.
Eye Measurements includes eye diagrams, mask tests and parameters calculated from eye diagrams.
921143 Rev A